Shimotsukenu no Taguhi (下毛野多具比)

SHIMOTSUKENU no Taguhi (year of birth and death unknown) was a noble who lived during Nara period. His main name was SHIMOTSUKENU no Ason (second highest of the eight hereditary titles). He was appointed to a responsible post as a military officer such as Uma no kami (Captain of the Right Division of Bureau of Horses).

Record of offices and ranks held

On March 2, 750, Taguhi who had been Shorokuinojo (Senior Sixth Rank, Upper Grade) was granted Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) by the Empress Koken.

Appointed to Uma no kami by the Empress Koken on July 10, 757.

Granted Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) by the Emperor Junnin on February 17, 764.

Appointed to Totomi no kuni no kami (Governor of Totomi Province) by the Emperor Junnin on November 21, 764.

[Original Japanese]